AS 9100 Certification Services

Based on ISO 9001 and incorporating additions and interpretations specific to the aerospace industry, AS 9100 is an aerospace standard published by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). The aerospace industry spans aviation, space and defense. With very few exceptions, major aerospace manufacturers and suppliers require compliance with AS 9100 as a condition of doing business with them.


At the International Standards Corporation, we pride ourselves in being one of the leading global providers of AS 9100 certification services.

Gap Analysis

During the gap analysis, our qualified AS9100 auditors evaluate your organization against AS 9100 requirements and identify critical and high-risk areas and vulnerabilities. We will provide you with a report highlighting critical and high-risk areas, outlining any areas that aren't meeting AS 9100 requirements, and giving you recommendations for improvement. The ISC gap analysis sets the stage for a targeted implementation of the standard. We will work with you to define the scope of your AS 9100 system and conduct the gap analysis according to your needs.

Certification and Assessment

AS 9100 assessments are conducted in accordance with AS 9104-001, the global IAQG certification scheme, which applies to aerospace products and services. The duration of your assessment will depend on the certification structure, size and complexity of your organization and the maturity of your management system.

Integrated Assessment

Organizations with other management systems in addition to AS 9100 (for example, ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety) can avoid duplication through a coordinated assessment, saving time and reducing costs.

Contact us to learn about AS 9100 certification.