ISO 22000 Certification Services

ISO 22000 is an International Standard that contains the requirements for a Food Safety Management System (FSMS). It's designed to ensure that food products comply with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements. ISO 22000 adds value to feed and/or animal food producers, farmers, producers of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, and organizations providing food or catering services and other organizations of any size.


The technical experts at the International Standards Corporation can assist you with your ISO 22000 certification. By partnering with ISC, you can be assured to work with a pragmatic, independent team that adds business value.

Gap Analysis

Our gap analysis is used to identify the extent to which your business meets ISO 22000 requirements and which areas need to be improved upon. The gap analysis sets the stage for a targeted implementation of the standard. Based on the results of the gap analysis, a certifiable FSMS is set up. We will work with you to define the scope of your FSMS, conduct the gap analysis according to your needs, and provide you with a report outlining any areas that aren't meeting the ISO 22000 requirements and recommendations for improvement.

Certification and Assessment

ISO 22000 certification is a two-stage process that consists of two assessments that form the certification audit. The first stage is an initial appraisal of your FSMS to verify that your organization is ready for a full assessment. The second stage then verifies effective implementation of the FSMS and compliance to ISO 22000 requirements. Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that your FSMS system has been fully operational for at least 2-3 months and that a management review and full internal audit have been conducted.

Integrated Assessment

Organizations with other management systems in addition to ISO 22000 (for example, ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management, ISO 45001 occupational health and safety) can avoid duplication through a coordinated assessment, saving time and reducing costs.

Contact us to learn about ISO 22000 certification.