ISO 45001 Certification Services

ISO 45001 is an International Standard that contains the requirements for an Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) management system. ISO 45001 can be used by organizations of all sizes, sectors and locations. ISO 45001 certification from ISC will help you to demonstrate that you have a robust OH&S system in place, boosting your reputation to customers and employees alike.


The International Standards Corporation prides itself in being one of the leading global providers of on-site and remote ISO 45001 certification services.

Gap Analysis

During the gap analysis, ISC auditors evaluate your current OH&S management system (OHSMS) against ISO 45001 to identify critical and high-risk areas and vulnerabilities. The gap analysis sets the stage for a targeted implementation of the OHSMS. The International Standards Corporation can deliver the gap analysis on-site or remotely. We will work with you to define the scope of your OHSMS, conduct the gap analysis according to your needs, and provide you with a detailed report outlining vulnerabilities and any areas that aren't meeting the ISO 45001 requirements and recommendations for improvement.

Certification and Assessment

ISO 45001 certification assessment is typically a two-stage process. Stage 1 is a review of documents and an initial appraisal of your OHSMS. Stage 2 is the assessment of your OHSMS to verify its effectiveness and compliance with ISO 45001 requirements. The duration of the two-stage assessment will depend on the size and complexity of your organization and the maturity of your OHSMS. Once you achieved ISO 45001 certification, we conduct regular surveillance audits to verify the ongoing effectiveness of your OHSMS. The International Standards Corporation can conduct your assessment using secure remote auditing technologies at the same high quality standard that our on-site audits provide.

Integrated Assessment

Organizations with other management systems in addition to ISO 45001 (for example, ISO 9001 quality management, ISO 14001 environmental management, ISO 22000 food safety) can avoid duplication through a coordinated assessment, saving time and reducing costs.

Contact us to learn about ISO 45001 certification.